關於we got marry的評價,
I did it! Sounds weird to say but I’m finally engaged! Haha. Funny how I always made love story vide...
I did it! Sounds weird to say but I’m finally engaged! Haha. Funny how I always made love story vide...
Jangan jadi IPAR MADE IN NERAKA. Bila adik bra...
Thank you everyone for the well wishes! 💍 Phew, i...
This is how we spent our 17th wedding anniversary....
My Heart Broke 💔 16/3/2020 . From the first time w...
So long time without vacation... got marry one ...
Seorang Suami Menemui Sebuah Diari Arwah Isteriny...
【989陽光列車 0900-1200 每週歌單】 10/2 (五) 09:04:11 春去春又回...
This is a long post! 這文章很長喔! Boy, we have been th...
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