吃完飯後突然想到我很常用的冥想app “Insight Timer”裡面有一個系列叫”mindfulness at work”,mindfulness有點難用單一一個字翻譯,就是專注在當下、覺察此刻的心理狀態、維持正念的意思。
這是幾個mindfulness at work系列裡常會用到的幾個字,熟記後,應該可以聽懂五成,加上猜一猜也會有個七成。
🌳 Let’s begin by letting go of everything that you’ve been doing.
let go – 有聽過冰雪奇緣1主題曲那首「Let it go~Let it go~」吧?就是放開手、讓它走吧
所以let go of everything that you’ve been doing 就是「先放下所有你剛剛在做的事,先放一旁」,亦即開始專注到mindfulness上。
🌳 Take a moment now to find a way to put it all behind you.
take a moment – 用這段時間(來做一件事)
put it all behind you – 另一種let it go的意思,都放到腦後、拋開
🌳 stretch and move around – 伸展、拉筋和動一動
🌳 take a nice deep breath – 深深吸一口氣
🌳 breathe in – 吸氣
breathe out – 吐氣
🌳 bring your attention to your belly – 把你的注意力放在肚子/感受一下你的肚子(或其他部位to your body/fingers/toes等等)
🌳 let your arm soften and relax – soften是使柔軟,所以就是要你 放鬆手臂,不要用力(或其他部位)
🌳 relaxation - 放鬆感,常會搭配 breathe in relaxation,想像吸氣吸進放鬆感
🌳 tension - 緊繃感、壓力,常會搭配breathe out tension,把壓力吐出來
🌳 be aware of – 有意識地去察覺、感覺(某事物)
🌳 bring your awareness to your breath/body – aware 是要去「察覺、意識」某事物,awareness名詞就是你的「意識、注意的地方」,整句可以理解為「專注在你的呼吸/身體」
我聽的是 Mary Maddux 的”Mini-Break For Work Or Study”,大家可以下載Insight Timer搜尋看看。
不是業配喔🤭 單純真心推薦~
我其實比較常聽 Improve your sleep系列,睡得真的會很沉,像飄在外太空無重力翻滾那樣🤣
breathe名詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答
#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
#佛洛伊德之死 #GeorgeFloyd
America Is Burning
🇺🇸 美國人民怒火沸騰
1. counterfeit「偽造的」
2. look on「站在一旁觀看」
3. bystander「旁觀者,路人」
4. unconscious「失去意識的」
5. pronounce「宣告」:也有「發音」的意思。
6. go viral「爆紅」:指某人事物在網路上迅速蔓延開來,眾人皆知。
7. protest「抗議;抗議行動」:可當名詞與動詞,另protester指「示威抗議者」。
8. loot「洗劫一空」
9. vandalize「破壞」
On the evening of May 25th, an African-American man named George Floyd lost his life in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Suspected of using a counterfeit $20 bill at a convenience store, Floyd was arrested and placed inside a police car. After a short struggle, a white officer named Derek Chauvin pulled Floyd out of the car, causing him to fall onto the street, where he lay face down in handcuffs. Chauvin then restrained Floyd by kneeling on his neck.
Over the next eight minutes, Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd’s neck, while three other officers looked on. Despite the fact that the Floyd said “I can’t breathe” at least 16 times, and several bystanders expressed concern for his condition, Chauvin only removed his knee from the man’s neck when an ambulance arrived. For his last three minutes on the ground with a knee in his neck, Floyd appeared to be unconscious. And hour later, he was pronounced dead at a local hospital.
A video of Floyd on the ground repeating “I can’t breathe” and “Don’t kill me” taken by a bystander quickly went viral on social media, and the next day Chauvin and the other three officers were fired from the police department. That same day, protests against Floyd’s killing began in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. They started out peaceful, but later became violent as buildings were set on fire, stores were looted and vandalized, and some protesters clashed with police.
The demonstrations have now spread to over 75 cities around the country, and the news is filled with scenes of violence and destruction. Chauvin was arrested on May 29 and charged with third-degree murder, but the fires continue to burn.
breathe名詞 在 吉娜英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
breath n. 呼吸;氣息
breathe v. 呼吸
take my breath away 讓我屏息
take a breath 吸一口氣
hold your breath 憋住呼吸
breathe名詞 在 【實用英語】呼吸英文到底是breathe 還是breath? - Facebook ... 的推薦與評價
安雅英文Anya English · 觉得很积极 ... 答案是breathe 是動詞; breath是名詞本篇教你如何分辨詞性還有各種實用片語/例句搭配生動圖片更好懂! ... <看更多>