In this video I compare two cameras from Sony, the ZV - 1 and the ZV - 1F. Both cameras have a 20mp 1 inch sensor but offer different features, ... ... <看更多>
In this video I compare two cameras from Sony, the ZV - 1 and the ZV - 1F. Both cameras have a 20mp 1 inch sensor but offer different features, ... ... <看更多>
Buy the ZV - 1f - https://geni.us/HAwcQ Buy the ZV - 1 - https://geni.us/USHB4e Please tell me which one of these two cameras you like better ... ... <看更多>
ZV - 1F Vs. ZV - 1 Specs Comparison- https://youtu.be/bQeTl6y8pWo ... # sony # zv1f # zv1 For business inquiries contact joinfilmalliance @ gmail. ... <看更多>
Sony 已有兩年多的時間未推出口袋機了,上一台已經是2020 年中的ZV-1,而今天全球同步發表的則是ZV1 的延伸 ... 一鍵景深切換功能|ZV-1F vs. ZV-1 ... ... <看更多>
The central difference between the two cameras is that the ZV-1F has an improved autofocus system, a larger and higher resolution LCD ... ... <看更多>
#1. ZV-1F 與ZV-1 比較該買哪一台? 這10 點比較給你看
ZV -1F 與ZV-1 規格比較,一台相機規格很多,這裡我並不打算將所有規格全都列出來,僅挑選重要且有差異的規格與大家一同比較,而上表就是Sony ZV-1 與Sony ...
#2. Sony ZV-1 vs Sony ZV-1F:有何不同?
为什么Sony ZV-1优于Sony ZV-1F? · 12800ISO更高的最大扩展ISO ? 25600ISOvs12800ISO · 在拍摄最高解析度的JPEG格式照片,自动对焦的拍摄时间快1.5x ? · 有内置的光学防抖 ...
#3. Sony ZV-1F vs Sony ZV-1 Detailed Comparison
Sony ZV -1 is the overall winner of this comparison. It has a higher Overall Score and beats Sony ZV-1F in all criteria except one: Portability. If small size ...
#4. Sony ZV-1 or ZV-1F - which camera is right for you? - YouTube
In this video I compare two cameras from Sony, the ZV - 1 and the ZV - 1F. Both cameras have a 20mp 1 inch sensor but offer different features, ...
#5. Sony ZV-1F vs Sony ZV-1 || WATCH BEFORE YOU BUY!!
Buy the ZV - 1f - https://geni.us/HAwcQ Buy the ZV - 1 - https://geni.us/USHB4e Please tell me which one of these two cameras you like better ...
#6. Sony ZV-1F vs Sony ZV-1 || Cinematic Footage Test and Review
ZV - 1F Vs. ZV - 1 Specs Comparison- https://youtu.be/bQeTl6y8pWo ... # sony # zv1f # zv1 For business inquiries contact joinfilmalliance @ gmail.
#7. Sony ZV-1F入門Vlog相機!最聰明的口袋傻瓜機 - 500輯- 聯合報
Sony ZV -1F預計於2022年10月25日正式開賣,這是一款主打Vlog拍攝、搭配20mm超廣角定焦鏡頭、具備10種風格模式、支援直橫拍攝,定位做入門款錄影相機, ...
#8. 超廣角1 吋感光元件Sony ZV-1F 登場,強大刀法打造出的更 ...
超廣角1 吋感光元件Sony ZV-1F 登場,強大刀法打造出的更入門版ZV-1. 沒有連自動對焦功能都砍掉,應該算很有誠意了(撥髮).
#9. Sony ZV-1 II vs Sony ZV-1F - Which is Better?
Thanks to the stacked image sensor, the Z-V II offers a very fast maximum burst rate of 24fps with continuous AF/AE tracking, while the ZV-1F ...
#10. Sony ZV-1F 評測報告|導入20mm f/2 超廣角色調與選單 ...
Sony 已有兩年多的時間未推出口袋機了,上一台已經是2020 年中的ZV-1,而今天全球同步發表的則是ZV1 的延伸 ... 一鍵景深切換功能|ZV-1F vs. ZV-1 ...
#11. Sony ZV-1F 定焦Vlogger 機真係抵玩?質素、功能同測試!
改用了這支視角更廣的鏡頭好處是讓用家自拍時畫面可以拍到更多的背景。f/2.0 的大光圈配合1 吋2000 萬像素BSI CMOS,在較暗的情況仍可拍到高質素的影像。
#12. Vlog 相機,Sony ZV-1F 廣角定焦機,規格效果一次看
ZV -1F vs ZV-1 拍攝範圍比一比. 左邊白色是ZV-1F,右邊則是ZV-1,ZV-1F 採用超廣角20mm 焦段. 具備SteadyShot ...
#13. 【現場實試】Sony ZV-1F 入門拍片相機香港售價+ 詳細規格
Sony ZV -1F 價格是品牌數碼相機當中最為親民,給創作者,甚至是旅遊人士一個更低門鑑拍攝滿足網上影片平台要求的4K 專業影片。它的機身比起ZV-1 更為輕巧 ...
#14. Sony ZV-1F 登場轉用定焦鏡機身更輕巧更親民 - PCM
兩年前Sony 推出使用1 吋感光元件的ZV-1,夠輕細又有反芒,瞬即成為不少鍾意拍片的朋友手上的Vlog 利器。不少朋友都認為是時候推出ZV 系列後繼,Sony ...
#15. Top Cameras for YouTubers & Content Creators | Sony ZV- ...
The central difference between the two cameras is that the ZV-1F has an improved autofocus system, a larger and higher resolution LCD ...
#16. 索尼zv1f和zv1有什么区别?索尼zv1f和zv1买哪个好?
索尼zv-1搭载24-70mm F1.8-2.8变焦镜头,相比较zv1f具有更长焦的焦段,可以拍摄更远处的物体。 2、重量. 索尼ZV-1F:256克. 索尼ZV-1:294克. 3、连拍速度. 索尼 ...
#17. Sony ZV-1F Versus Sony ZV-1: Which Is Better?
Then there is the price: the ZV-1 starts at around $748, whereas the ZV-1F is a very reasonable $498. In this video, Sidney Diongzon goes ...
#18. Sony's Vlogging Cameras: ZV-1F vs ZV-1 vs ZV-E10 Review
The ZV-1 uses ZEISS Vario-Sonnar T* zoom lenses with 24-70mm focal length. The ZV-1F has abandoned the zoom function for a standard prime lens ...
#19. Sony ZV-1 vs ZV-1F vs ZV-E10 vs ZV-E1
The basic Sony Z-1F is largely designed for video straight from the camera with limited editing, but the equally compact ZV-1 goes a lot further ...
#20. Vlog數位相機ZV-1F
ZV -1F 配備超廣角20 mm 1 鏡頭、機身握把和攝影燈,是專為新手影音部落客設計的自拍神器。指向性3 頭麥克風搭配防風罩,清楚拾音過濾風噪聲;景深開關和產品展示設定讓您 ...
#21. Sony ZV-1F vs Sony ZV-1: Should You Upgrade?
The Sony ZV-1F vs Sony ZV-1 features the same 20.1MP 1-inch sensor. However, instead of the variable lens on the ZV-1, the latest ZV-1F comes ...
#22. Sony ZV-1F Vs ZV-1: Which Camera Offers Better ...
The Sony ZV-1F can take 360 shots or 60 minutes of video recording on a single charge while the ZV-1 can only take 260 shots or 45 minutes of video recording.
#23. Sony ZV-1F實機動手玩|售價免1.5萬元的實用口袋相機
Sony 全新數位相機ZV-1F將於2022年10月25日正式在台上市,單機售價NT$14,980,另有相機搭配GP-VPT2BT的輕影音手持握把組合,這個組合還隨附一顆電池,建議 ...
#24. Sony 索尼ZV-1F Vlogging 相機(黑色) (ZV1F/B) + 保護套 ...
Sony ZV -1F 是專為影音部落客和內容創作者設計的小型相機。 它具有大型1 英吋(約2.5 公分)感測器和廣角鏡頭,可讓您輕鬆捕捉廣闊的視野並分組自拍照。
#25. Sony ZV-1F vs Sony ZV1 - Best Compact Vlogging ...
Sony ZV -1F vs Sony ZV1 – Best Compact Vlogging Camera of 2022 – The Sony ZV1F camera is $250 cheaper than the Sony ZV1.
#26. SONY ZV-1 和ZV-1F 比較 - 台灣第二| 努力不當第一的網站
SONY ZV -1 和ZV-1F 比較. 看完mobile01 ZV-F 評測影片 如果是影片創作者的話… 不用想了,ZV-1. 一般小旅行的錄影最需要防手震 穩定器是少數人的配件
#27. Sony 針對Vlog 拍攝需求接續推出全新隨身攝影相機ZV-1F
接連推出ZV-1,以及ZV-E10兩款針對Vlog拍攝需求打造的隨身攝影相機之後,Sony再次宣布推出全新ZV-1F,加入20mm超廣角鏡頭與f/2.0光圈設計,搭配1吋 ...
#28. Sony ZV-1F短影音新機分析化繁為簡、隨手拍立即分享
針對社群短影音設計的Sony ZV-1F數位相機價位更容易入手,也改善了社群分享的便利性。雖然同為Vlog系列機種,但與先前的ZV-1、ZV-E10定位還是有些不同 ...
#29. Sony ZV-1 Vs Sony ZV-1F: full comparison - camera
Warning - Sony ZV-1F is not a tropicalized camera. If you use it in adverse conditions, you could ruin it. · Warning - Sony ZV-1F battery has only 360.0 shoots ...
#30. 最適合拍Vlog 的相機!Sony ZV-1F 在台上市,口袋型機身超 ...
重量僅229 公克的ZV-1F 讓創作者可以隨時隨處攜帶,更秉持「輕易上手」的設計發想,讓Vlogger、影片拍攝愛好者都能專注在內容創作上,無需為了相機設定而 ...
#31. SONY ZV-1F 影音部落格相機 - Broadway Lifestyle 百老滙
ZV -1F 採用超廣角 20 毫米定焦鏡頭,讓拍攝對像能在任何場景中散發光彩,實現最佳自拍和廣寬視野以捕捉更多背景。Vlog相機在靜止圖像和影片中提供散景背景效果,能進一步 ...
#32. Sony Zv 1 vs Sony Zv 1F : r/AskPhotography
ZV -1. The ZV-1F's lens doesn't zoom. And it's a wide-angle lens to boot (20mm equivalency). It'll be a lot ...
#33. Sony 推出20mm 定焦Vlog 相機Sony ZV-1F ,機身採用 ...
ZV -1F 保有與ZV-1 相近的機身設計,機身僅220 克,具備3 組收音麥克風,機身也提供多個錄影指示燈與自拍倒數計時器;承襲自ZV-1 的多角度觸控螢幕具備 ...
#34. Sony ZV-1 vs Sony ZV-E10 - Camera
If portability is your biggest priority and you like the convenience of a built-in lens, the ZV-1 is a great choice for vlogging. If you're looking for a little ...
#35. SONY ZV-1F | 法雅客網路商店
SONY ZV -1F. 顯示所有4 個結果. 篩選.
#36. ZV-1F | 說明指南| 柔膚效果(靜態影像/動態影像)
設定辨識到面孔時用於拍攝柔膚的效果。 MENU→ (曝光/顏色)→[顏色/色調]→ ...
#37. ZV-1F 產品規格| 相機
獲取Sony ZV-1F 的詳細規格清單並查看哪一個相機符合您的需求。 ... 曝光補償: + / - 3.0 EV,1 / 3 EV 級; ISO 感光度(靜態影像)(建議曝光指數) ...
#38. Sony ZV-1F Review - The Best Entry-Level Vlogging ...
Here's a side-by-side comparison between the new Sony ZV-1F (on the left) and our Sony ZV-1. The size is just about the same, although the newer ...
#39. SONY ZV-1F Vlog 數位相機白色
SONY ZV -1F Vlog 數位相機白色, [Sony 索尼公司貨保固18+6] ZV-1F Vlog 相機(網紅新手/生活隨拍), , 商品特色收合, , 20mm 超廣角鏡頭,F2.0 大光圈,錄影柔膚效果、臉 ...
#40. Is the Sony ZV-1 or ZV-1F better for live streaming?
Let's look at whether the Sony ZV-1F or ZV-1 is better for livestreaming! The cameras are quite similar, but there are a few important ...
#41. Sony ZV-1F review
The Sony ZV-1F is a compact vlogging camera with a Type 1 (13.2x8.8mm) sensor and a fixed 20mm equivalent lens.
#42. SONY ZV-1 購入一年心得,卡片相機vs 手機畫質?
而ZV-1 則是ZV 系列的第一代,本來以為是跟RX100 系列一樣的機身,結果我錯了!SONY ZV1 明顯機身要圓潤很多!也許這也是ZV 系列訂價比較便宜的原因為 ...
#43. SONY ZV-1F發表入門Vlog新相機懶人包20221013 ... - 鑫部落
SONY ZV -1F發表入門Vlog新相機懶人包20221013發表20MP感測器& 20mm固定鏡頭關於索尼ZV新機SONY ZV-1F 最新消息都收集在這.
#44. Sony ZV-1 versus ZV-1F: Ein deutlicher Gewinner!
Das wichtigste in Kürze | ZV-1 vs. ZV-1F · Die ZV-1F ist die neuere Kamera und sie ist auch günstiger als die ZV-1. · Die ZV-1F verfügt über einen ...
#45. Sony ZV-1 vs Sony ZV-1 II: which is best for you?
Size wise the newer ZV-1 II is a hair's breadth bigger than the original ZV-1 at dimensions of 105.5x60x46.7mm, as opposed to the original's ...
#46. Sony ZV-1F Vlog Camera for Content Creators and ...
Sony ZV -1F Vlog camera for Content Creators and Vloggers, large 1-inch sensor with wide angle 20mm1 lens and packed with easy-to-use features, specifically ...
#47. ZV-1F - Vlog camera
The ZV-1F is designed as your first vlogging camera with a selfie-friendly ultra-wide-angle 20 mm 1 lens, body grip and a recording lamp. A directional 3- ...
#48. Comparatif SONY ZV-1 et SONY ZV-1F
On vous propose un comparatif détaillé du boitier Sony ZV-1 et ZV-1F : Les boitiers suivants de la gamme Sony sont des appareils photo et ...
#49. Sony ZV-1F Vlog camera for Content Creators and Vloggers
The ZV-1F is designed as your first vlogging camera with a selfie-friendly ultra-wide-angle 20 mm lens, body grip and a recording lamp.
#50. Sony ZV-E10 vs ZV-1 - The 10 main differences
The ZV-E10 uses an APS-C sensor with 24.2MP whereas the ZV-1 has a 1-inch sensor with 20.1MP. More than the difference in resolution, it is the ...
#51. Get A First Look At The New Sony ZV-1F
Livestreaming Has Never Been This Easy (Or Looked This Good). One of Quiles' favorite features of the new Sony ZV-1F is the ability to easily ...
#52. Sony ZV-1F Review
The Sony ZV-1F ($499.99) is the third entry in its vlog-first ZV camera family, and the most affordable to date. Like the original ZV-1, ...
#53. Sony's ZV-1F is a Video Focused Point-and-Shoot Made ...
The camera can be used as a webcam, as a live streaming camera, or as a vlogging camera. It features an ultra-wide 20mm f/2 lens in front of a ...
#54. Sony ZV-1F Review
However, despite being probably the same stacked image sensor, the ZV-1F lacks phase-detect autofocus, a feature the ZV-1 includes. It's unclear ...
#55. Sony ZV-1F Malaysia: Sony's new vlogging camera is ...
The Sony ZV-1F is officially priced at RM2,599 in Malaysia, which is RM800 cheaper than the ZV-1 which retails for RM3,399. Stocks will be ...
#56. So Sánh Sony ZV-1 VS ZV-1F VS ZV-E1 VS ZV-E10
So sánh Sony ZV-1 vs ZV-1F vs ZV-E1 vs ZV-E10, các mirrorless camera hướng tới người dùng là vlogger, nhà sáng tạo nội dung. Dòng Sony ZV ...
#57. Sony's new vlogging camera makes me want to ditch my ...
But for taking my tech content up a notch, I've found there's a lot to like about the Sony ZV-1F. Better yet, the camera connects to my iPhone ...
#58. [閒聊] Sony發表ZV-1下一代(?) ZV-1F - 看板DSLR - 批踢踢實業坊
重點規格: 定位為V-Log機2010萬畫素1吋背照式感光元件搭載7.6mm (35等效20mm) f2 定焦鏡頭影片8 bit 4:2:0 ; 4K 30p ; 1080p 120p.
#59. Sony's ZV-1F vlogging camera has a low price and a lot ...
The ZV-1F will run $499 in all black or white with a silver lens, and it's due out in late October. While the Sony ZV-1F's price sounds ...
#60. Sony ZV-1F is a compact camera for vloggers and content ...
The ZV-1F is capable of recording 4K video at up to 30fps. Sony has a variety of picture profiles available, including S-Log2, S-Log3 and HLG ...
#61. New Sony ZV-1F: A Compact Camera for Content Creator
Key Features of the Sony ZV-1F Camera · 4K video and 20.1 megapixel still photos · Eye-AF and autofocus tracking technology · Side-articulating LCD ...
#62. The ZV-1F is a more beginner-friendly Sony vlogging camera
The camera includes a number of improvements over the ZV-1, including a wider 20mm prime lens to squeeze more people into the frame in group ...
#63. Sony ZV-1, ZV-1F et ZV-E10 : le vlogging en ligne de mire
Sorti en juillet 2021, le Sony ZV-E10 vient compléter les ZV- 1 et ZV-1F et offre une véritable montée en gamme grâce à un capteur APS-C plus ...
#64. Sony ZV-1
The Sony ZV-1 is a 20MP Sony compact digital camera with a 1-inch image sensor. It is similar to the Sony RX100 V with extra features, such as features for ...
#65. zv1 vs zv1f
Check out posts about zv1 vs zv1f and search for more on Lemon8. ... #camera #vlog #vlogcamera #sonycamera #sony zv 1f #canong7x #vlogger #youtube #youtuber ...
#66. 索尼ZV-1F器材比较 - 摄影器材库- 色影无忌
Vlog是时下年轻人记录、分享生活的一种潮流趋势, ZV-1F在保留了专业视频拍摄性能 ... 小巧便携的ZV-1F采用了索尼先进的技术,为Vlog视频拍摄悉数优. ... 选定机型; VS.
#67. SONY ZV-1 ZV1 (公司貨保固內黑色)
保固2022/7-2024/7(公司貨)。(有)盒(有)單。配備如圖。外觀(痕跡)。台北桃園warranty 2022/4-2024/4,with box,normal use 【Line ID : 0966327056】 ...
#68. Zv-1f的價格推薦- 2023年8月| 比價比個夠BigGo
zv -1f價格推薦共670筆商品。還有zv-e10、zv-e1 兔籠、zv e1、vf-1d、Sony ZV1 相機包。現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!
#69. Comparing Panasonic Lumix DCZS80 Digital Camera ...
... Panasonic Lumix DC-ZS70 Digital Camera (Black) vs Sony ZV-1F Vlogging Camera (Black). Clear all ... 1/32000 to 1/4 Second in Aperture Priority Mode
#70. Sony A7 Remote Shutter Release - Schlachthofwetter
Wireless Shutter Release Camera Remote Control for Sony A7 III, A7R III, A6100, A6400, A6600, RX100 VII, RX0 II, A7R IV, A9, A9 II, ZV-1, ZV-1F,A7C Infrared ...
#71. Sony a6400 dpreview
JJC 2 PCS Camera Hot Shoe Cover Cap Protector for Sony A7R V A7 IV ZV-1F ZV1F ZV-1 ZV-E10 A7C A1 A6600 A6500 A6400 A7 III A7R IV A7R III A7S III A9 II A9 ...
#72. 超廣角1 吋感光元件Sony ZV-1F 登場,強大刀法打造出的更 ...
某種程度而言也算是接手了當初Nikon 未上市就腰斬的DL 系列一吋感光元件相機,相對於等效18mm 與F1.8 的夢幻規格,Son...
#73. Sony Rumour
1 day ago · 多方消息來源和報導都指出 Sony PlayStation 有意推出全新掌上型 ... the vlogging-focused Sony ZV-1F, the cinema-focused Sony FX30 and the brilliant ...
#74. Ulanzi Camera Cooling Fan for Sony/Canon/FUJIFILM ...
Compatible with cameras such as Sony ZV-E1/ZV-1F/ZV-1/ZV-E10L/a7RV/a7 IV/a7S III/A7C/FX30/A6700/A6300/A6500/A6400/a6000, Canon R8/R7/R6 Mark II/R6 ...
#75. Catalyst Browse
Catalyst Browse works as your media assistant and lets you browse files from your Sony camera, deck, or card reader. With detailed views of individual clips ...
#76. Sony 影像網誌相機ZV-1F 價錢
Sony 影像網誌相機ZV-1F. (超廣角1 吋感光元件). 4.0. 價格走勢. HK$3,520-4,290. HK$3,120-3,300. 像素: 2010萬像素. 顯示屏: 3.0吋. 數碼變焦: 4x ...
#77. rumors – sonyalpharumors
A source that shared the correct Sony ZV-1F specs in the past shared some details about the Nikon ZF (watch my video above). This camera wants to appeal to ...
#78. 索尼官网-手机_电视_相机及配件_耳机_家庭音响-索尼在线商城 ...
在索尼官网轻松完成产品注册,即刻加入My Sony Club! ... APS-C画幅微单™Alpha6700; 教育优惠; 超广角Vlog相机ZV-1 II; 直播间设备; 轻巧型全景声回音壁新上市 ...
#79. Types of Cameras
$899 USD Not sponsored at all #gear #camera #sony #vlog #vlogging #travel ... mom helped me buy this for Christmas Almost went with the Sony ZV-1F but ...
#80. Sony ECM-G1 Shotgun Microphone review
The ECM-G1 can be used wirelessly on Sony cameras via its multi-interface shoe, or with other devices though its Mic Out socket. Credit: Andy Westlake.
#81. Sony Alpha Community: India's Professional Photography ...
Sony Alpha is an online community of Sony Camera owners to explore, discover, learn & share the art of ... Elevate your vlogging with ZV-1F vlog camera.
#82. Cameras & Camcorders
Find a great collection of Cameras & Camcorders at Costco. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand Cameras & Camcorders products.
#83. Aparaty cyfrowe - niskie ceny i setki opinie w ...
Aparaty cyfrowe w Media Expert! ☝ Szeroki wybór produktów ➤ m.in. Aparat NIKON Coolpix P1000 Czarny, Aparat SONY ZV-1 Czarny | niskie Ceny, setki Opinii w ...
#84. PC home 電腦家庭 12月號/2022 第323期 - 第 76 頁 - Google 圖書結果
05 DJI 06 03 Sony α 7R V 台灣索尼 04 Sony ZV - 1F 台灣索尼 07 05 Fujifilm X ... ZEISS FUJIFILM FUJIFILM OLYMPUS LODOM OM - 1 07 OLYMPUS OM - 1 元佑實業 Ο ...
#85. PC home 電腦家庭 02月號/2023 第325期 - 第 59 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 2 in 1 磁吸無線充電座 ANKER 群光電子( Anker 代理商) 05 2022 科技趨勢金獎 06 ... α Sony α 7R V 台灣索尼R 7R 人氣 SONY 風雲 ZEISS 03 Sony ZV - 1F 台灣索尼 ...
#86. 鏡花園【現貨】SmallRig 3526 Sony ZV1F / ZVE10 / ZV1 ...
特色:。1. 專為Sony ZV-1F 和ZV-E10 和ZV-1 設計的冷靴座。2. 專用麥克風人造毛皮材質,在戶外拍攝時有效降噪。 3. 尼龍製冷靴,韌性好,強度高。 4.
#87. Sony ZV-1F新隨身數位相機不到300公克!輕巧加內建3組 ...
僅229克重量,攜帶便利 廣角定焦鏡頭與內建柔膚效果 Wifi設定隨時連接手機 拍攝手把按鈕控制變焦與拍攝 為期四天快閃店結合可愛插畫體驗新機樂趣 盤點6款還原現場感的美型藍芽音響、耳機! 居家抗疫少不了劇院級家庭音響!
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Sony ZV -1F 機身重量僅256g(含電池與記憶卡)。與ZV-1 同樣搭載2010 萬畫素的1 吋感光元件。不過ZV-1F 搭配的是一顆20mm f/2.0 的 ...
#89. Sony Australia (@sonyaustralia)
Pocket-sized perfection Did you know our ZV-1F vlog camera only weighs · See what Grammy award winning artist, Miguel, thinks about the new WF- ...
#90. PC Mag - 1993年5月25日 - 第 401 頁 - Google 圖書結果
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#91. Eustathiou archiepiskopou Thessalonikes Parekbolai eis ten ...
c.. b“.1-1 *-2', k x 7 a. die-ÖAW. ... ZV-'73c wc) WWW-ansz CREW W77;- 76 .WZ 7?) ... “- 70W m2 &7170-5 *1F SONY-?Secu ?xx-*76: WZ mWo'MQ'oZF ZEW-:mo .taz-W ...
#92. William Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke - Google 圖書結果
WWW-1 DFÜ? ... (ZV ?NMS WWW die ?EFM SONY? Weg-:ÖMZ feäfie'x' HOW-M VWL WWHWZN ?xx das gÜNfLinge Isch? ?2133M W7) ZQÜZMLF 'WZ fie W! RW: LWS MW kWp-:WW ...
sony zv-1 vs zv-1f 在 [閒聊] Sony發表ZV-1下一代(?) ZV-1F - 看板DSLR - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
重點規格 :
2010萬畫素 1吋背照式感光元件
搭載7.6mm (35等效20mm) f2 定焦鏡頭
影片 8 bit 4:2:0 ; 4K 30p ; 1080p 120p
然後不知為何 拍照不能拍RAW 只有JPG
且只有對比式對焦 (無相位對焦)
美國訂價 $499美金
(P.S ZV-1剛發售時 $698美金)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DSLR/M.1665673075.A.0CC.html
※ 編輯: diablohinet ( 臺灣), 10/13/2022 23:03:23
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