巴黎著名人權和宗教自由律師、學者帕特里夏·杜瓦爾觀察到,當她第一次得知太極門案時,對台灣政府忽視國際批評風險感到驚訝。另一方面,她在法國的經歷告訴她,有時宗教和精神少數派的反對者並沒有考慮到這些風險。杜瓦爾指出,台灣於 2009 年批准並將《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》(ICCPR)和《經濟、社會和文化權利國際公約》(ICESCR)納入其國家法律。這些,正如歐洲人權法院和其他國際司法管轄區所解釋的那樣,包括在稅收和宗教自由決定中,
Patricia Duval, a well-known Paris human rights and religious liberty attorney and scholar, observed that when she first learned of the Tai Ji Men case, she was surprised that the Taiwan government was ignoring the risk of being criticized internationally. On the other hand, her experience in France told her that sometimes opponents of religious and spiritual minorities do not take these risks into account. Duval noted that Taiwan in 2009 ratified and included in its national law the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). These, as they have been interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights and other international jurisdictions, including in tax and religious liberty decisions, should have been applied to the Tai Ji Men case and led to its solution, but they didn’t.
“人權無國界”的聯合創始人兼董事威利·福特(Willy Fautré)表示,台灣是一個民主國家,但沒有一個民主國家是完美的。太極門案讓台灣有機會像照鏡子一樣看到其民主制度的不完善之處。Fautré 說,現在應該立即解決這個問題。
Willy Fautré, co-founder and director of Human Rights Without Frontiers, stated that Taiwan is a democracy, but no democracy is perfect. The Tai Ji Men case offers to Taiwan an opportunity to see, as if in a mirror, what is imperfect in its democratic system. It should now be solved, Fautré said, without delay.
spiritual but not religious 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文
God is Not Like Man
“Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, “What accusation do you bring against this man?” They answered him, “If this man weren’t an evildoer, we wouldn’t have delivered him up to you.” Pilate therefore said to them, “Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your law.” Therefore the Jews said to him, “It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death,” that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which he spoke, signifying by what kind of death he should die.” (John 18:29-32 WEB)
Look how the religious leaders of Israel had murder in their hearts but were unable to do it because they were restricted by the Law.
They keep the Law outwardly just for the public eye, and looked for ways to get around the Law to execute their murderous schemes.
While they looked for any loophole to commit murder, God used His infinite wisdom and knowledge to find a way to save mankind.
Under the Law, God said that the soul who sins must die. In Paul’s words, “the wages of sin is death”.
There was only one way for us to be saved because we cannot fulfill the demands of the Law by ourselves. Someone else must die in our place as a substitute.
This person must be a member of mankind, sinless, and his life has to be worthy enough to pay for all the sins of the world.
That is why the only begotten Son of God had to become a man, bleed, and die as our atoning sacrifice for sins.
Today, we are saved, blessed, and favored by God not because of our own obedience towards the Law, but because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. His sinless, divine blood is a massive overpayment for all our sin debts, purchasing every spiritual blessing of God for us.
I read someone write that “your sin can hinder your prayers”. If that were true, then no Christians would have any answered prayers because we still fail God daily, in thoughts and deeds. We may not be able to live a completely sinless life, but thankfully our prayers are answered based on Jesus’ obedience at the cross. His shed blood is the only reason why we can always enjoy God’s favor.
Let no one deceive you that sin is causing God to ignore your prayers. If God is omniscient, then He already knew all the sins you would commit in your life, and He still chose to let Jesus bear the punishment for your sins at the cross.
What hinders us from receiving God’s promises today is only unbelief. When you have a bad opinion of God and see Him angry, demanding, and unapproachable, you will be unable to freely receive all that Jesus died for you to enjoy.
Paul taught that no one can be justified through the works of the Law. Not before salvation, and not after salvation. God is so gracious that He made us the righteousness of God in Christ when we believed in Jesus as Lord.
Abba God has the perfect, righteous reason to lavish His goodness upon you. Through your prayers of intercession, the people around you are also blessed.
Some well-meaning Christians want to live godly through keeping the Law as a moral guideline, but it only serves to stir up sin’s rebellion in our flesh. They will experience short-lived victories ,only to fall back into sinful patterns when the willpower runs out.
When you place your faith in God after receiving His Word, you will be progressively transformed to live a righteous life. The goal of godly living is the same, but the only way to get there is by beholding Jesus and trusting in Him.
Live by the new and better covenant that is built upon better promises, and you will reign in life through the one Lord Jesus Christ!
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spiritual but not religious 在 官逼民反_人民當家 Facebook 的最佳解答
臺灣的戒嚴時期,還是在1996年政府決定鎮壓幾個團體的時候,還是在中國大陸,當局不認可的宗教和心靈團體都被貼上了 #邪教 的標籤。這個說法在英文中常被翻譯成 “cult(異端的宗教信仰或崇拜)”,或 “xie jiao(邪教)”,但翻譯並不準確,而且有些不合時宜。
There is, however, another possibility. Both in Taiwan, during the Martial Law period and when the government decided to crack down on several groups in 1996, and in Mainland China, religious and spiritual movements the authorities do not approve of are labeled xie jiao. The expression is often translated in English as “cults,” or “evil cults,” but the translation is not precise and somewhat anachronistic.
倫敦大學研究員吳俊卿發表了多篇關於邪教概念歷史的研究,包括《曼達林與異端》(Leiden:Brill,2017)一書。其他學者將邪教作為一個政治和法律範疇可以追溯到明代,而吳曉波則表明,它最早出現在 #唐代 要求消滅佛教的傅毅(554-639)的著作中,具有 “異教 “的含義。此後的宋(960-1279年)、元(1279-1368年)兩朝,則以「白蓮教」為 #共同標籤,呼籲消滅被禁止的新宗教運動。到了明朝(1368-1644年),邪教成為一個法律概念,並開始編制邪教名單,清朝(1644-1912年)、民國、共產黨都延續了這一做法,也影響了臺灣。
Wu Junqing, a research fellow at London University, has published several studies on the history of the notion of xie jiao, including the book Mandarins and Heretics (Leiden: Brill, 2017). While other scholars date the introduction of xie jiao as a political and legal category to the Ming era, Wu shows that it first appeared, with the meaning of “heterodox teachings,” in the writings of Fu Yi (554–639), who called for the eradication of Buddhism during the Tang dynasty. In the subsequent Song (960–1279) and Yuan (1279–1368) dynasties, xie jiao was used to call for the destruction of new religious movements banned under the common label of “White Lotus.” With the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), xie jiao became a legal concept, and lists of xie jiao started being compiled, a practice continued by the Qing dynasty (1644–1912), Republican, and Communist China, and which also influenced Taiwan.
spiritual but not religious 在 Meet the "Spiritual but Not Religious" - Barna Group 的相關結果
But to be spiritual but not religious is to possess a deeply personal and private spirituality. Religions point outside oneself to a higher ... ... <看更多>
spiritual but not religious 在 What It Means To Be Spiritual But Not Religious - The Atlantic 的相關結果
Instead of atheism, however, they're moving toward an identity captured by the term “spirituality.” Approximately sixty-four million Americans— ... ... <看更多>
spiritual but not religious 在 Spiritual but not religious - Wikipedia 的相關結果
"Spiritual but not religious" (SBNR), also known as "spiritual but not affiliated" (SBNA), is a popular phrase and initialism used to self-identify a life ... ... <看更多>