Counting fingers, it’s 100days of rink close in this year due to Covid-19! Let’s watch the video and see how I spent a day of the rink re-open!! (Video recorded on 11th Sept 2020)
Some background of me
I’m the only skater who trained alone and who is still representing Hong Kong in artistic roller skating.
I started skating since I was 6 and I’m now 31.
I had a coach since I was 6 and he decided not to coach high level skaters anymore in 2012. Then I started to train myself. And I had overseas training during this period of time, tried to learn from different coaches around the world.
Earlier this year when the pandemic started, I can’t train and give lessons to my skaters as the rink is closed. At that time, I sell fabric mask to make a living. But now I’m back on track to have training!
Artistic roller skating is a dying sports in Hong Kong. To save it, I tried my best using my little power to promote it! I really hope there will be more people knowing, and trying this challenging, needs flexibility, strength, beauty, grace, musical sport. It’s not only a sport, it’s also art!
Follow my fb: katherinechoirollerskate
Follow my ig: roller_sk8er_katherine
Follow my YouTube: RollerSkaterOnIceKatherine