[7th Hong Kong Internet Governance Forum] (HKIGF)
Fake News Law: Effective to combat online disinformation?
Date: 15th Sep, 2021 (WED)
Time: 19:00 - 21:00 HKT (11:00 - 13:00 UTC)
Venue: Zoom meeting room (the link will be sent to your email address ) & ISOC HK Facebook
Language: English
Moderator: Edmon Chung - Board of Director, ISOC HK
Discussion Topic:
Fake news law: Effective to combat disinformation online?
The HKSAR government is considering to implement "fake news" law to combat disinformation, especially on online media platforms and social media, due to the appearance of a considerable amount of misinformation and disinformation online. However, some voiced out it might undermine freedom of speech, freedom of press and free flow of information online. Is legislation an effective way to combat "fake news" online? What impact will it cause to the media and online community? What can we learn from "fake news" law in other countries?
Mr. Benjamin Ang - Senior Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Mr. Ronson Chan 陳朗昇 - Chairperson, The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA)
Mr. Raymond Li 李文 - Director, Institute for Journalism and Society (IJS), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
Mr. Charles Mok 莫乃光 - Director, Tech for Good Asia
In this edition of HKIFG, we have invited experts from different aspects, namely journalist, Hong Kong scholar, IT professional and Singaporean scholar, to talk about their observation and opinion on the potential implementation of "Fake News Law" in Hong Kong. We aim to explore the topic through different perspectives and try to cast new light to the topic by including a case study of a similar enactment in Singapore.
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#HKIGF #FakeNewsLaw #Misinformation #Disinformation #ISOCHK
hkja 在 古天后炒股日記 Facebook 的最佳貼文
香港《蘋果日報》等《壹傳媒集團》旗下媒體早前停刊,集團近千名員工被遣散,為近年傳媒業界最大的勞工事件。香港記者協會留意到,因公司戶口仍被凍結,該集團員工至今仍未獲得 6 月份薪金及遣散費。記協對員工或「手停口停」,感到非常憂心。
記協在此重申,此次事件為近年傳媒業界最嚴重的「勞工災難」。記協呼籲各界伸出援手,協助受影響的員工。有關援助事宜,請致電2591 0692,或電郵hkja@hkja.org.hk與記協聯絡。謹此致謝。
hkja 在 Initium Media 端傳媒 Facebook 的最佳解答
【只有受政府GNMIS認可的傳媒,才有 #新聞自由?】
警方把「傳媒」的定義,大幅收窄到只有政府 GNMIS 系統的登記用戶才有正當性,而目前 GNMIS 有 205 個登記用戶。
同時,香港兩大記者協會 HKJA 和 HKPPA 的會員證當即失去證明記者身份的正當性。另外,非本地的網絡媒體亦不在被認可之列。
在 GNMIS的登記標準中有這麼一個「不接納」的類別:「非政府或非牟利組織、智庫或關注團體的傳訊或鼓吹性刊物及網站」。
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#端傳媒 #評論
hkja 在 HKJA香港記者協會 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
HKJA 香港記者協會. HKJA香港記者協會. @hkja630. @hkja630 277 subscribers 6 videos. More about this channel. Subscribe. Home. Videos. Playlists. Community. ... <看更多>
hkja 在 香港記者協會Hong Kong Journalists Association - Facebook 的推薦與評價
welcome to contact the HKJA if they are in need. Since its launch in 1993, i-CABLE News has been a journalism pioneer with its 24-hour news station in. Hong ... ... <看更多>